Results for 'Ignatius L. Madya Utama'

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  1.  10
    Maureen Sullivan, Responses to 101 Questions on Vatican II, Bandra, Mumbai: St. Paul Press 2004, 135 hlm.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):262-267.
    Pada 11 Oktober 2012 Gereja Katolik merayakan 50 tahun dibukanya Konsili Vatikan II. Namun demikian, 16 dokumen yang dihasilkan selama Konsili itu berlangsung (11 Oktober 1962-7 Desember 1965) belum dikenal oleh semua umat Katolik. Bahkan ada tidak sedikit umat Katolik yang belum pernah melihat dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa kendati sudah membacanya, namun merasakan sangat sulit untuk memahaminya. Ada pula yang ketika melihat buku tebal yang memuat dokumen-dokumen tersebut langsung merasa terintimidasi dan ketakutan (intimadated), lalu tidak berani membukanya. (...)
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    Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga: Angin puting beliung bagi hidup berkeluarga.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - forthcoming - Logos:87-106.
    Christians who got married want to have a happy family life. They also want their family life become a sacrament. Yet, their dreams do not always come true. One of the obstacles that prevent their dreams become a reality is domestic violence that takes place in their family life. On the one hand, the ones doing the violence sometimes even justify their behavior by quoting some teachings from the Scriptures and other Church’s documents. Other factor that supports domestic violence is (...)
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    Margo’s Individuality in John Green’s Paper Towns: Exploring the Realms of Unrequited Love and the Frontiers for a Liberated Woman.L. Dyah Purwita Wardani, Ignatius Heditto Bambang Priyambogo, Supiastutik, Imam Basuki, Erna Cahyawati, Ghanesya Hari Murti & Fatou Bintou Diatta - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:289-301.
    The article aims to examine how individuality is projected in Paper Towns by John Green. John Green’s writings are known for sharp dialogue, unrequited love, and many heart-breaking twists. Green identifies the individualistic spirit through Margo's character, which becomes a focus of this paper. The different facets of the character are explored to reveal the bildungsroman journey undertaken. John Green's Paper Towns is the primary text of analysis in this study. Other secondary sources are also consulted to substantiate the arguments (...)
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    L’Ontologie Du Vedanta.Ignatius Smith - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):277-278.
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    L’Amitie Avec Dieu.Ignatius Smith - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):195-195.
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  6. An Empirical Inquiry on Knowledge Sharing Among Academicians in Higher Learning Institutions.T. Ramayah, Jasmine A. L. Yeap & Joshua Ignatius - 2013 - Minerva 51 (2):131-154.
    Universities are expected to be places where knowledge is shared freely among academicians. However, the reality shows that knowledge sharing is barely present within universities these days. As Malaysia shifts towards building a knowledge-based society, academic institutions, particularly the public universities, now face ever-growing faculty demands for sharing quality resources and expertise. As a result, knowledge sharing in academia has become a rising concern. The purpose of this study, then, is to uncover the factors that propel knowledge sharing among academicians (...)
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    Ignatius Eschmann, O.P., 1898-1968.L. K. Shook - 1968 - Mediaeval Studies 30 (1):v-ix.
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    Beneath the Black Robes of Ignatius and Mariana: Limited Liberty within an Interventionist Order.L. B. Edgar - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):16-27.
    The Society of Jesus sprang from the devout faith of a sidelined soldier who traded in his weapons to form a militant order of Catholic Reformers sworn to serve the Papacy as missionary soldiers of Christ. Specialization in education led Jesuits to roles as theologians of the 16th Century, including as members of the School of Salamanca, whose Jesuit members mostly took pro-market positions on free enterprise. One learned Jesuit in particular deviated from his order’s default position of papal dirigisme (...)
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    Many Mansions?: Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian Identity (review).James L. Fredericks - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):167-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Many Mansions? Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian IdentityJames L. FredericksMany Mansions? Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian Identity. Edited by Catherine Cornille. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2002. 152 pp."A heightened and widespread awareness of religious pluralism," according to Catherine Cornille, "has presently left the religious person with the choice not only of which religion, but also how many religions she or he might belong to" (p. 1). What Cornille (...)
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  10. Ignatius Poeta. L'immaginazione poietica degli Esercizi spirituali.Anna Li Vigni - forthcoming - Studi di Estetica.
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    The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 1: The mystery of the trinity , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 2: On creation , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 3: On the incarnation of the word , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 4: The doctrine of signs (review). [REVIEW]Marcia L. Colish - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2):247-249.
    With the arrival of the fourth volume of this work, Peter Lombard's Sentences is now fully available in English for the first time. Giulio Silano's text, based on the third critical edition by Ignatius C. Brady in two volumes (Grottaferrata, 1971-81) is distinguished by its accuracy and readability, meeting the exacting criteria of a Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies translation. Each volume has a detailed table of contents, an index of biblical and patristic references, and a full bibliography of (...)
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  12.  23
    Using The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola as a Basis for a Buddhist-Christian Retreat.Len Tischler & Andre Delbecq - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:213-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Using The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola as a Basis for a Buddhist-Christian RetreatLen Tischler and Andre Delbecqorigin of the retreatJesuit (Catholic) universities have struggled to preserve their religious worldview and pass it on to their students, faculty, and staff. Given that most faculty and administrators at these universities are laypeople and many are not Catholic, the universities depend largely on their campus mission/ministry offices for this (...)
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  13. Exerzitien als Individuationsprozess. Die Deutung der Geistlichen Ubungen des hl. Ignatius durch CG Jung Les Exercices comme formation de l'individu. L'interprétation des Exercices spirituels de S. Ignace par CG Jung. [REVIEW]Hermann Kügler - 1989 - Theologie Und Philosophie 64 (3):334-363.
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    The Dynamism of Desire: Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S. J. on The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. By James L. Connor. [REVIEW]Michael McGuckian - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (3):536-537.
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    L’influenza de la Dialectique des “exercices spirituels” de Saint Ignace de Loyola nel pensiero di Jorge Mario Bergoglio.Massimo Borghesi - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1707-1724.
    When in October 2016 I started working on my book Jorge Mario Bergoglio. An intellectual biography I did not have the slightest idea of ​​the importance played by the figure and work of Gaston Fessard in the formation of Bergoglio’s thought. There was nothing to suggest that Gaston Fessard could be a relevant author for the intellectual formation of the future Pope. I was struck by the polar and dialectical model of thought that animated him, the possibility of harmonizing opposites, (...)
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    Steven L. McKenzie & John Kaltner, eds., New Meanings for Ancient Texts: Recent Approaches to Biblical Criticisms and their Applications, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013, xiii+181pp. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (1):144-147.
    Beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu Steven McKenzie menjadi editor sebuah kumpulan karangan yang berjudul To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticism and their Application (1993). Dalam bunga rampai itu dibahas metode-metode penelitian lama yang berfokus pada latar belakang sejarah teks (penelitian sumber, sejarah tradisi, jenis sastra, peredaksian), cara-cara penelitian literer yang lebih baru (seperti penelitian strukturalis, pasca-strukturalis, naratif, atau reader’s respons) dan beberapa yang lain (penelitian ilmu sosial, kanonik, atau retorika). Dalam dua puluh tahun sejak terbitan itu (...)
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  17. L'organizzazione dell'insegnamento alla Gregoriana prima del 1773.Mario Fois - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (1):113-131.
    This contribution sketches the path that St. Ignatius traversed from excluding in 1541 educational work as a Jesuit ministry to his decision to found colleges and universities as apostolic woks of the Society for the formation of young lay students. Ignatius determined in 1553 that the Collegio Romano should be marked by universality in its make-up and outreach, and furthermore should exercise influence on the other colleges of the Society in Europe. From these beginnings, a comprehensive instructional program (...)
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  18. Un épisode de la Réforme: la course à l'édition princeps des Lettres Ignatiennes.Étienne Decrept - 2002 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 82 (4):401-416.
    La publication, dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle, de la version grecque des Lettres ignatiennes, à partir de deux manuscrits différents, a été l’occasion d’une compétition entre leurs éditeurs respectifs, Valentin Hartung, dit Paceus, converti de la Réforme, et l’imprimeur zurichois André Gesner, figure marquante de l’Église zwinglienne. Elle pose un problème non encore résolu : pourquoi André Gesner laisse-t-il entendre qu’il est l’auteur de l’édition princeps tandis que Paceus l’affirme hautement de son côté ? In the second half (...)
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  19. Le discernement ignatien et l'invention de la Compagnie de Jésus.Adrien Demoustier - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (1):65-87.
    It was only progressively, by confronting their spiritual experience and the cultural conditions of their apostolate, that Ignatius and his companions were led to found a new order and then to recognize the importance of teaching in colleges. This article sets out the different stages of that progressive discovery. It recalls how Ignatius passed from his chivalrous desires to those of service of and in the Church, by attending to the interior experience of the Spiritual Exercises and to (...)
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  20. L''ecriture de Soi Ignace de Loyola, Montaigne, Stendhal, Roland Barthes.Louis Marin & Pierre-Antoine Fabre - 1999
  21. È ancora attuale per la Compagnia di Gesù l'insegnamento della dottrina cristiana ai pueri ac rudes?Maurizio Costa - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (1):88-112.
    Starting from a historical-juridical study of A. M. de Aldama on the origin and evolution of the reference to the teaching of Christian doctrine to pueri contained in the formula of final vows of all priests in the Society of Jesus, the author investigates the meaning of this ministry and its importance today. In an analytic section, the article traces the historical development of the ministry of education in Christian doctrine to pueri and rudes in the experience of Ignatius (...)
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  22.  5
    Hans Urs von Balthasar. His Life and Work ed. by David L. Schindler.Christophe Potworowski - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):689-694.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 689 present the spirit of Catholic Christianity to contemporary man in such a way that it [Catholic Christianity, not contemporary man!] appears credible in itself and its historical development..." (emph. mine). Clearly, de Lubac's entire theology is an effort to say the opposite of what the mistranslation regrettably says. Page 46: "his articles, however, which from 1972 [typographical correction: 1942] on prepared for his works on modern (...)
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    Globalization and the Soul—According to Teilhard, Friedman, and Others.S. J. King - 2002 - Zygon 37 (1):25-33.
    Thomas L. Friedman's recent book on globalization, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, sees a religious value in globalization: “globalization emerges from below … from people's very souls and from their deepest aspirations” (1999, 338). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin made similar claims in 1920, calling globalization the “deep‐rooted religious movement of our age” (Teilhard 1979, 211). He came to this awareness through his experience in World War I. There he began connecting globalization to its roots in evolution and to the (...)
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    Globalization and the Soul—According to Teilhard, Friedman, and Others.S. J. Thomas M. King - 2002 - Zygon 37 (1):25-33.
    Thomas L. Friedman's recent book on globalization, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, sees a religious value in globalization: “globalization emerges from below … from people's very souls and from their deepest aspirations” (1999, 338). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin made similar claims in 1920, calling globalization the “deep‐rooted religious movement of our age” (Teilhard 1979, 211). He came to this awareness through his experience in World War I. There he began connecting globalization to its roots in evolution and to the (...)
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  25.  89
    Descartes' Exercises.Zeno Vendler - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):193 - 224.
    The influence of St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises on Descartes’ work, including the Meditations, has been recognized and discussed by many historians. I just mention a few fairly recent and easily accessible instances. In The Metaphysics of Descartes, J. L. Beck suggests that the literary form of the Meditations is most likely due to the Ignatian meditations to which Descartes had been exposed during his training at the Jesuit college of LaFlèche. Arthur Thomson in ‘Ignace de Loyola et (...)
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  26.  9
    The Dominican School of Salamanca and the Spanish Conquest of America: Some Bibliographical Notes.Thomas F. O'Meara - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):555-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DOMINICAN SCHOOL OF SALAMANCA AND THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF AMERICA: SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES THOMAS F. O'MEARA. O.P. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana SALAMANCA, northwest of Madrid and Avila and not far from Spain's border with Portugal, preserves the atmosphere of a medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque university even as it develops the schools and clinics of a contemporary center of studies. There are associations with Teresa of (...)
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  27.  7
    The Munus of Transmitting Human Life: A New Approach to Humanae Vitae.Janet E. Smith - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):385-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MUNUS OF TRANSMITTING HUMAN LIFE: A NEW APPROACH TO I-IUMANAE VITAE JANET E. SMITH University of Dallas Irving, Texas 'TIRE ONLY ACQUAINTANCE 1bhat most rea;ders have with the Latin of Humanae Vitae is the tit1le. It is likey that fow laymen and perhaps eV'en fow schofars make ire:ferenoe to the Latin text; indeed, it is ireported that I-Iumanae Vitae was originally composed in ltalian, and it seems that (...)
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  28.  29
    The mystery of Christ: Clue to Paul's thinking on wisdom.Robert Hill - 1984 - Heythrop Journal 25 (4):475–483.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Hebrew Bible. By J. Weingreen. Pp.vii, 103, Oxford, Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1982, £5.50. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. By Yohanan Aharoni. Pp.xx, 344, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, $27.50, $18.95 ; London, SCM Press, 1982, £12.50. A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. By Terence J. Keegan. Pp.183, New York, Paulist Press, and Leominster, Fowler Wright Books, 1981, £4.45. The (...)
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  29.  41
    Vergleiche zwischen Glauben und Wahn.Hermann Lenz - 1975 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 11 (1):47-56.
    Eine geistliche Schwester erkrankte ungefähr mit 22 Jahren erstmalig an einer Erscheinung, die ihr - optisch - den Tod des Vaters und seine Himmelsfahrt verkündete. Ohne Zweifel fühlte sie sich selbst bereits damals- wie es für 1966 sicher angenommen werden kann - als eine von Gott Ausersehene. Die Himmelsfahrt des Vaters ist Ausdruck ihrer hohen Abkunft. Drei Jahre später glaubte sie eine Heilige zu sein, die Leiden anderer auf sich nehmen zu können, wurde von Glauben und Hoffnung geführt, glaubte Christus (...)
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  30.  5
    The Theology of Henri de Lubac: An Overview by Hans Urs Von Balthasar.Mark D. Napack - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):683-689.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 68J The Theology of Henri de Lubac: An Overview. By HANS URS VON BALTHASAR. Translated by Joseph Fessio, S. J., Michael M. Waldstein (Preface), and Susan Clements (Conclusion). San Fran· cisco: Ignatius Press/Communio, 1991. Pp. 127. $9.95 (paper). Except for the preface and conclusion, Hans Urs von Balthasar's The Theology of Henri de Lubac first appeared as the long essay, "Henri de Lubac-L'oeuvre organique d'une vie," (...)
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  31. Traité de l'argumentation, collection « Logos ».Ch Perelman & L. Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3):385-386.
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  32. Picturing algorithmic surveillance: The politics of facial recognition systems.L. D. Introna & D. Wood - 2004 - Surveillance and Society 2.
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  33. M l.John L. Bell - unknown
    A weak form of intuitionistic set theory WST lacking the axiom of extensionality is introduced. While WST is too weak to support the derivation of the law of excluded middle from the axiom of choice, we show that beefing up WST with moderate extensionality principles or quotient sets enables the derivation to go through.
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  34. Les textes fondateurs dans la Compagnie de Jésus.S. Breton - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (3):329-345.
    Les textes dits fondateurs sont ceux qui, dans une société déterminée, assurent la structure et l'esprit de cette société. Quand il s'agit de la Compagnie de Jésus, ces textes ne sont pas seulement ceux du fondateur, mais l'ensemble des documents qui ont présidé à la naissance et aux premiers jours de la Compagnie. Or, lorsqu'il s'agit de la Compagnie de jésus, disons des Jésuites pour parler plus couramment, le fondateur, Ignace de Loyola, n'est pas seul en cause, si exceptionnel et (...)
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  35. Jidāl bā muddaʻī.Ismāʻīl Khūʼī - 1977 - [Tehran]: Jāvīdān.
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  36.  15
    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
  37.  18
    Justifying induction on modal -formulae.L. Alberucci, J. Krahenbuhl & T. Studer - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):805-817.
  38. Time in Brentanist tradition.L. Albertazzi - 1997 - Brentano Studien 7.
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    Temporal Realism and the R-Theory.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 123-140.
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  40.  9
    Gender and the Priesthood of Christ: A Theological Reflection.Benedict M. Ashley - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):343-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:GENDER AND THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST: A THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION BENEDICT M. ASHLEY, 0.P. Aquinas Institute of Theology St. Louis, Missouri I. Does "Patriarchy" Explain the Tradition? HE CONGREGATION for the Doctrine of the Faith, n its 1976 Declaration on the Question of the Admission f Wonien to the Ministerial Priesthood, based its negative response primarily on tradition.1 For many this argument 1 Inter Insigniores (Oct. 15, 1976, AAS 69 (...)
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  41. Changes in cortical activity in altered states of consciousness: The study of meditation by high-resolution EEG.L. I. Aftanas & S. A. Golosheikin - 2003 - Human Physiology 29 (2):143-151.
  42. La Psicologia dell' immaginazione nella storia della filosofia.L. Ambrosi - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 46:542-545.
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  43.  15
    Hair of the Frog and other Empty Metaphors: The Play Element in Figurative Language.L. David Ritchie & Valrie Dyhouse - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (2):85-107.
    In this essay we discuss a class of apparently metaphorical idioms, exemplified by “fine as frog's hair,” that do not afford any obvious interpretation, and appear to have originated, at least in part, in language play. We review recent trends in both play theory and metaphor theory, and show that a playful approach to language is often an important element in the use and understanding of metaphors (and idioms generally), even when metaphors can be readily interpreted by means of a (...)
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  44.  53
    Man and Morals.L. Ryan - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:333-333.
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  45. Nicole Vitellone Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry.L. M. Agustin - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (2):123.
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  46.  35
    The History of the Tamil ṟThe History of the Tamil r.L. V. Ramaswami Aiyar - 1938 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 58 (4):664.
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  47.  22
    The magnetostriction of polycrystalline cobalt.L. Alberts & H. L. Alberts - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (96):2101-2102.
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  48. Caring-An idea past its 'use by'date.L. Alesi - 1999 - Otago Bioethics Report 8 (2):3-5.
  49.  48
    The Best Regimes of Aristotle's Politics.L. A. Alexander - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (2):189-216.
    What is the identity of the best regime in Aristotle's Politics? Although there are a few references to the best regime in Book III, the obvious answer is the regime discussed in Books VII and VIII. Aristotle calls it the best regime on numerous occasions and discusses it at great length. Yet, this is not the complete answer. In Book IV Aristotle makes certain curious remarks on the best regime that, on examination, do not fit the best regime of Books (...)
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  50. Handlungstheorie: Positionen, Probleme und der Wert phänomenalistischer Spekulation.L. M. Alisch - 1998 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 9 (1998):13-16.
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